The Annual General Body Meeting of Janak Puri Club (Regd.) shall be held on 30/12/2018 (Sunday) at club premises, 17, Cultural Complex, District Centre, Janak Puri, New Delhi, at 10:30 am to discuss the following agenda.
Item No. 1. Welcome Address by the President Sh. B. P. Singh.
Item No. 2. To confirm and approve the minutes of last AGM held on 20/08/2017, (Minutes a Copy is available also can visit web site (
Item No. 3. To consider and adopt General Secretary Report available on web site ( along with Agenda.
Item No. 4. To consider and adopt statement of accounts for the period from 01.04.2017 To 31.03.2018 along with statement of receipt and
expenditure duly audited and certified by M/s Bhupinder Shah & Co, approved by Managing Committee of Janak Puri Club, being presented by
Treasurer Mr. Amit Gulati and for details visit web site. (
Item No. 5. To consider and appoint statutory auditor M/s Bhupinder Shah & Co for the period 2018 - 2019 and to fix their remuneration. As
per the decision of last AGM he is being paid Rs. 25,000/- Plus GST.
Item No. 6. Any other matter with the permission of Chair.
Om Prakash
General Secretary
1. Please Note under clause 17’(C) of our constitution it is required if any member wishes to raise query or any point he / she
is to inform the management in writing at least seven days before holding of AGM.
2. Also under Clause 13 (c) of our constitution it is required that if any member wishes to transact any other business on the
agenda. No resolution other than those relating to the adoption of report and statement of accountant shall be moved on the Annual
General Body Meeting unless a request in writing signed by the member/members to move such resolution has been received by the office
of the club at least 7 days before the date fixed for holding Annual general Meeting.
3. Those members who have not paid subscription for a period exceeding three months can’t attend the AGM.
4. Only members can participate in the AGM and no Proxy or Guest of any member shall be allowed to attend the AGM.
5. Please Show your I-Card at entry point on AGM day.
6. Lunch will be served after the Meeting.