Election For Management Committee
Dear Mr. Pradeep Anand, Election Officer, Membership No. 454. We are very pleased to intimate that Managing committee in its Last meeting held on 6th Sept, 2017 has decided once again to assign you the duties as Election Officers for conducting the ELECTIONS OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE of the club, for the period 2017-20 | |
Election committee will consist of three persons. Yourself and S/Shri. S.C. Bansal Membership No. 2271 and K L Mittal membership no 100 will assist you in holding the election. Further, it was also decided to appoint Sh R D Chhokra Membership No. 220 as advisor beside advocates S/Sh Ravi Chawla Membership no. 1905 (MOB 9811072967) and Naresh Sharma Membership No. 1578 (MOB 98101145572) as legal advisors. Who are being informed separately? |
3. | AGM in it’s meeting held on 20th Aug,2017 had amended clause 9 (a) by invoking Clause 22 as under The Managing Committee shall hold office for a period of three years. Election shall be held after the expiry of the tenure of three years. In no case beyond 90 days of the expiry of the term of three years. |
4. | The Registrar of co-operative society has already been informed about the above amendment. |
5. | Managing Committee suggestions / recommendations for holding the elections in terms of clause 9 are given below:- |
(I) | The candidate for contesting election for any one post of office bearers will deposit non-refundable Rs 10,000/-(total seven office bearers) |
(II) | The candidate for contesting election for member of managing committee, will deposit non-refundable Rs 5000/- (total fourteen numbers.). |
(III) | Only legible members can contest the election and he / she must not be defaulter. |
(IV) | Defaulter means default in any form . There must not be any dues of any form for contesting election or casting vote. as laid down under clause 9 of club memorandum |
(V) | It was also decided not to allow neither banners nor posters of any kind during election. door to door campaign can be done. |
(VI) | It was decided that election can be contested on panel basis. any individual can contest election in group or individually also. |
(VII) | The defaulter member can clear his / her dues one day before the election day ie. on or before 16.12.2017 by 9 pm. |
(VIII) | It was also decided that no party should be arranged during election. |
You are requested to start the process for holding election.As per date finalized. The club manager/staff are being instructed to provide you with all documents / record and assistance you may need for timely conduct of election including the list of eligible voters etc. You may seek assistance if any for smooth conduct of the proceeding, as defined in relevant Memorandum Provisions / Procedures. |
With Best Regards
Dr. Ramesh Dhawan