
Minutes of the AGM Meeting held on 01.12.2019


President B. P. Singh called the meeting to order at 10:30 am. As the quorum was not complete so in consultation with the members of presidium and with the permission of members present in the meeting, the meeting was adjourned for half an hour to be re assembled at 11 am on the same day and same venue.

Agenda Item No. 1.

While welcoming the members he apprised them that he has been serving the club since 1993 in different capacity and during this period he has tried to provide best contribution to the fraternity. He stated the vision of the club is to emerge as techno savvy vibrant club with the mission to provide excellent services. He narrated the brief history of club, how it came in to existence and flourished with the cooperation of members to the present stage. He requested the members present in the meeting to stand for national anthem and their after he invited General Secretary Sh. Om Prakash to take up the agenda items no 2. General thanked President and read the 2nd item of Agenda:-

Agenda Item No. 2.To consider and approve Minutes of last AGM held on 30.12.18.
* General Secretary informed the members that although minutes of last AGM were up loaded on club website www.janakpuriclub.com but still a copy of the same has been delivered to all members present. He further added that copy of the same is available here also and if any body requires he can have the same.

General Secretary invited the comments and repeated it many a times. President also invited comment but as there was no query, he proposed that the same should the treated as approved. Members replied in one voice, yes it is approved.

Agenda Item No. 3.To discuss and adopt General Secretary Report.
* General Secretary stated that although general secretary report was up loaded on club website www.janakpuriclub.com but still a copy of the same has been delivered to all members present. He further added that copy of the same is available here also and if any body requires he can have the same.

After that General Secretary invited comments on the report and repeated it again but as no one raised any question, members suggested that it is approved. General Secretary thanked the members and moved to next agenda item.

Agenda Item No. 4. To consider and approve the Statement of Account for the period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2019, which is duly audited by M/s Bhupinder Shah & Co. The Statement of Account was also up loaded on club web site and copy was available on the AGM day. President invited comments from the members.
* President apprised that some queries have been received in the office and we will take them first. A query from Mr. Rajesh Gupta mem. no. 1321 was taken up first. He wanted to know about the loss shown.
* It was made clear that among other reasons one is that during the period under reference sale was down as the last caterer's quality of food and service was poor, therefore foot falls was less. The sale was down approximately 4%. After appointing new caterer the sale has improved to about 30 lakh including sale of liquor thus we hope the position to improve this years.
* The other reason was we received about 20% less annual subscription that is why we are proposing to cancel the member ship who failed to pay Annual Subscription. Another reasons was as the FDR were got en cashed for renovation expenses, we received less interest. We spent huge amount on renovation work, we had to make huge amount of payment to DPCC as some one were complaining to the department. We had to pay a substantial amount for electricity bill and water charges. The electricity bill was left un paid by out going caterer against whom we have filed Legal Notice for the recovery, we had to pay IGL (Piped Gas) bill also. again the other reason that on last year for new year eve less entry tickets were sold, hence less recovery and loss, Minimum Wages have been increased burdening our finance, we have to employ more staff which have again eaten our finances.
* Mr. Rajesh Gupta emphasized that even then operating profit is there. He added i have objection on the losses of 60 lakh. President replied him that the reasons are stated above and also because we could not claim input taxes of GST. Mr. Rajesh Gupta said that i am not satisfied with your reply adding that building is our own and we did not pay any interest. At the same time banquet sale has gone up, the recovery from pool has also gone up from 14 lakh to 17 lakh. Then why operating losses what happened when our sales has gone up. President explained him that our expenditures have also gone up. Mr. Rajesh Gupta repeated that sale is more from banquet hall from 39 lakh to 84 lakh, from pool 14 lakh to 17 lakh and also good recovery from other sources then why losses of Rs. 60 lakh. President again repeated the same reason adding that now our sale is going up therefore profit will be more. Mr. Gupta said that if Rs. 35 lacs is recoverable from out going caterer then why it is not shown in the balance sheet. President replied that this year we will be showing in the balance sheet. Mr. Rajesh Gupta again said that loss of Rs. 60 lakh is too much and if it continues in the coming period, every thing will be finished. He referred schedule 13 and 14. Many more members such as Mr. A. P. Arora mem. no.1599 commented on it Mr. Gupta previously our sale was 2.90 and last year it was 2.70 meaning less sale of 14 lakh. Mr. Shah C/A replied there are more reason for the losses he added that we have operating profit but operating cost has also gone up clarifying other cost are more in proportion. Mr. Gupta club is not providing food at cheaper rates. President replied him that our rates are less as compared to other clubs and requested refer our menu and its rates. Mr. Ashok Juneja mem. no. 2287 stated that for the recovery of loss of Rs. Sixty lakh, its recovery will be a costly and lengthy procedure. He added that on administration expenses have increased by Rs. 54 lakh and further added that why pollution expenses has gone up. He said that if loss of this magnitude continue the club will be locked in near future. He asked what lesson we have learned adding we should have sufficient security deposit. President replied him that we are constantly watching and electricity bill is being paid regularly Mr. Ashok Juneja asked have we paid Rs. Eight lakh to DPCC officially or otherwise amount was paid to DPCC against their receipt? President stated that we have proper written agreement with caterer.
* Mr. Amit gulati treasurer explained that we have engaged an agency to maintain ETP Plant and also to meet all requirement of DPCC. Mr. Gulati further explained that because of complaints our bore well was sealed and to meet our water requirement we had to purchase water through water tanker required for construction and day to day requirement and therefore expenses of Rs. 2,22,900/-. Mr. Tilak Raj Gandhi mem. no. 1914 asked why loss was not shown in the balance sheet. C/A replied him that anticipated recovery amount can not be shown as sure. Mr. Vivek Maken mem. no. 2057, why catering incidence are being repeated when managing committee is the same adding that he has been attending AGM every year. President replied him that faces are not the same and we have pointed out reason and we will rectify. Mr. Rajesh Gupta asked the sale of liquor of last year and added that inventory of liquor is of Rs. One Core and said this question was raised last year also. President replied him that in the last month of the year we get attractive offer from the liquor company and therefore we make bulk purchases, the benefit of which we pass on to our members, some time we offer scheme of 1+1 and some time 2+1 adding that no other club offer such scheme to their members and asked should we continue it or stop it offering scheme to our members. Mr. Gupta pointed out that my 3rd question of my query is not replied regarding stock of liquor which president replied as above. President requested Mr. Gupta to sit with us and we will clarify your all points. President requested the house that should statement of account be treated as approved but in between Sardar S. P. Singh Oberoi mem. no. 576 sought permission to say some thing, but before that Mr. Sunil Mamtani, mem. no. 2028 asked about legal expenses and wanted to know who is complaining. He added that catering and service is very poor and asked whether family of any Managing Committee visit the club and are they satisfied with catering and service? Mr. Amit Gulati replied him that we are not paying any fee to any advocate as Mr. Ravi Chawla and Mr. Naresh Sharma who are members of our club deal all legal matters, regarding satisfaction about quality and service of catering, he replied that the sales is going up which shows member's satisfaction. President added that we have received many letters from some members and their guest who appreciated catering and over all working of the club and read the names who sent their mails/letters. Sardar S. P. Singh Oberoi mem. no. 576 said that what does it makes different to a member if he gets scheme on liquor 1+1 or 2+1 if loss is of Rs. Sixty lakh and added don't pass scheme but avoid loss. He further said that present caterer is good but services are poor. He cautioned not to stop member at gate for want of any dues. Mr. Raghubinder Rai, mem. no. 664 said he was General Manager with Indian Airlines and appreciated the functioning of club and quoted that he visited the club along with his guests who were very happy with the quality of food and the look of the club after renovation.

President again sought the approval of Statement of Account members voice loudly saying the account are approved without any change. President stated that one member who is a Senior Citizen has requested some discount for Senior Citizen, President replied him to his satisfaction.

Agenda Item No. 5. To consider re-appointment of M/s Bhupinder Shah & Co. as auditor and fix his remunerations.

President sought the approval for the appointment of auditor. Members approved the appointment of M/s Bhupinder Shah & Co. as club auditor at the existence payment.

Agenda Item No. 6. To consider and decide raising Permanent Membership Fee from existing Rs. Three lakh plus GST to proposed Rs. Five lakh plus GST.

President informed the members that present Permanent Membership Fee is Rs. 3 lakh plus GST and we propose it to raise to Rs. 5 lakh plus GST. President added that some members has written to stop enrolling new member and we have little space to accommodate. President quoted a mail received from advocate Mr. Parmod Kumar Sharma mem. no. 1884 who appreciated the Managing Committee and also advised not to enrol new members. President added that on the present fee of Rs. 3 lakh plus GST on an average one member is being enrolled p. m. at this fee and if fee is increased to Rs. 5 lakh plus GST, one can imagine how many will come forward. Some members suggested to raise it to Rs. Ten lakh and some other to Rs. 7 or 8 lakh, but finally it was approved to fix it at Rs. Five lakh plus GST.

Agenda Item No. 7. To consider and approve member ship transferring charges of Rs. Twenty Five Thousand, from Principal Member to his / her son or daughter and vice verse (in blood relation ship).
* Mr. Rajesh Vaid mem. no. 1039, Mr. Sunil Mamtani mem. no. 2028 and Mr. Sanjeev Bansal mem. no. 2271 opposed it saying it should not be charged. President stated that transferring of member ship is only in our club and no other club allow it. Mr. Tejinder Singh Wahi, mem. no. 2202 was also of the view that no fee should be charged. Sardar S. P. Singh Oberoi mem. no. 576 stated that so long principal member is there, it should not be transferred but when the member is no more only then member ship may be transferred to his son or daughter. Members objected it and this proposal was dropped. S/s V. P. Jolly mem. no. 568, Brij B Sanan mem. no. 1725 and Mr. Sanjeev Bansal mem. no. 2271 and many more were of the opinion that let it be as it is. therefore this agenda item was dropped. Mr. Om Prakash Mahey mem. no. 2319 under which act you are transferring the member ship and added that in no other club transferring of member ship is allowed and on what ground. How you will know the level of efficiency of new candidate and whether the new candidate meets our requirement or not?
* Mr. Anil Kumar Srivastava mem. no. 2535 said that he sent many mails but no reply was given. President replied him that General Secretary is very particular to reply and how your's was left, we will check it and said sorry for not replying him. He further added that renovation work is very pleasing and quality of food is also good but service is very poor. If you visit the club with your family, you may have bad experience and quoted one incidence. Mr. Amit Gulati replied him that he stayed there to see that service should be given to you and only after that i left. Mr. Srivastava further added that preference is given to VIP, General Secretary replied him that there is absolutely no VIP culture and every member is VIP. Mr. Sushil Kumar Sharma mem. no. 1035 pointed out that why proper salary is not being given to staff. Mr. Amit Gulati replied him that we are paying as per minimum, wages act rather little more.

House did not permitted to charge Rs. 25000/- as transfer fee therefore official proposal was dropped.

Agenda Item No. 8. To consider and approve the Cancellation of Memberships of defaulters who have not paid their Annual Subscription up the March 2017.

President stated that we have been requesting the members to clear the dues but neither any response nor dues are cleared. Therefore we propose to cancel the membership of all defaulters as we have done this previously three times. Members approved it as per names and Membership numbers in the Cancellation list enclosed. Mr. Rajesh Grover mem. no. 212, suggested that the said defaulters should be served one month notice before taking action. House approved it.

Agenda Item No. 9. Any other item with the permission of chair.
* Mr. R. P. Gupta, mem. no. 1574 welcomed the members and gave his introduction. He appreciated the renovation work done by the Managing Committee. He added that he designed the whole building and ready to serve the club even now. He further added that he suggested earlier also that when whole building is tastefully renovated, the main entry / lawn should also be renovated to look equally good. He said that his services are available for it free of cost and Managing Committee may seek my advice and design, which i will provide. He narrated the old story that during the construction of building fund were short and therefore M. C. demanded Annual Subscription for 30 years which many members paid and the result is before us. Mr. Sanjeev Bansal suggested that we should provide separate lift for attending Party at 1st floor as during marriages many guests has to use lift from the lobby which disturb other members and also does not look good. President replied him that this is already in our planning. Mr. R. P. Gupta stated that for installing lift no permission is required and it does not come under cover area. A member pointed out that he visited a club but they did not entertain him. President replied him you write to us and we will take up this matter with the concerned club as affiliation is on reciprocative basis affiliated with our club. If any club don't extend their services to our members we will also do the same to their members but before that we will write them to seek their clarification. President added that at present we are having affiliation with 120 clubs all over India and with some foreign clubs also. The details is available on our web site. Sardar S. P. Singh Oberoi mem. no. 576 suggested to make a booklet / copy containing names, addresses and contact numbers and details of the club with whom we are having affiliation. Members were informed that member's directory is under print which will have all information. President said it is a good suggestion. Some members suggested that we should again introduce the scheme to pay annual subscription for whole life, the club will collect a hand some amount. President replied that the amount collected will be spent but time to come management will feel punch of it, as through it we meet our day to day expenses. Members suggested that on week end we should arrange extra serving staff General Secretary replied that in bars only permanent staff can give services as they recognize the member for collecting bill payment. Sh. Oberai and some other member profusely appreciated the services being rendered by General Secretary adding he has been devoting full time even at the cost of his own business. Some members suggested that we should not allow guest specially on week ends as club is fully packed on these days. President replied him that we can consider it and we should give preference to our members.
* Meeting ended with thanks to members. Mr. Ajay Sharma proposed vote of thanks and invited members to enjoy lunch and drinks etc.

Om Parkash
General Secretary