* | As per the rules, the assembly of the members were permitted for half an hour of the designated time of 10.30 am. At sharp 11 am Sh. B P Singh, Sr. Vice President welcomed the members and checked the attendance register from the reception. He informed the members that as per rules the quorum consists of minimum of 100 members and as at present it had not been completed. Therefore, after consulting the President, he announced that the meeting has been adjourned for 15 minutes, & would be reassembled at 11.15 am on the same date and at the same place. |
* | At 11.15 am, Shri. B P Singh requested all the members present in the meeting to take their seats and invited President & members of Managing Committee office bearers for taking their seats. |
* | Shri. B P Singh requested all members present in the meeting to stand up for singing National Anthem. After the slogan of JAI BHARAT, the proceedings of the meeting started. |
* | Shri B P Singh invited President Dr. Ramesh Dhawan to welcome the members. |
* | Dr. Ramesh Dhawan welcomed the members and informed them about the performances and achievements of the club. He informed them that the biggest achievement was to introduce the smart card which was pending for the last many years. He added that S/S R S Tyagi, Ajay Sharma, Rakesh Chopra, Rakesh Taneja, Ajay Kapoor under the convener ship of Shri B P Singh Sr Vice President worked hard for six months to make the smart card successfully operational. The team took care of all points to use the smart card in a smooth way without putting any inconveniences to members and as well as management and now the result is before all of us. He added that all members are co-operating and availing club facilities by using smart card. Dr. Ramesh Dhawan stated that we have organized many social functions such as New Year Celebration, Musical Nights, Rain Dances, Christmas, Maha Tombola etc. He added that members where enjoying swimming pool which has been covered with shed and other activities available in the club. He further added that firefighting system is fully operational and Delhi Fire Department has given the approval and issued N O C. He thanked the members stating that it could become possible with the kind Co-operation of all members. He thanked the members of Managing Committee for extending their co- operation for smooth functioning of club. President thanked Shri. B P Singh who was a force behind introducing smart card and digitization of working of club. Dr. Ramesh Dhawan profusely thanked and appreciated dedication of Shri. Om Prakash who works day and night for club and requested members to give him a big applause. The President thanked all staff of the club and Manager Shri Balbir Singh for working efficiently. Dr. Ramesh Dhawan thanked Shri Amit Gulati, Treasurer for looking after accounts and maintaining it in transparent way and therefore our finances are in sound and healthy position. At present we have Fixed Deposits of Rs. 1, 80 cores. The President added that the catering services which were being provided by previous caterers M/s Lavanna Hospitality has now been taken over by a new caterer M/s Cafe - 9 hospitality Pvt. Ltd. He expressed his hope that Members will appreciate the change. |
* | Shri. B P Singh requested General Secretary calling him our "SIPA SLAR" to take up agenda Item No 2. “To confirm and approve the minutes of last AGM held on 24.4.2016.” |
* | General Secretary informed the members that the minutes of last AGM held on 24.4.2016 were down loaded on club web site: http://www.janakpuriclub.com and copies are being delivered to members today also for their ready references. He added that as per decision in AGM, all documents and activities of club are being up loaded on club web site to save expenses on printing and dispatching (Postage's) and saving time and energy for delivering the said documents. He reminded that as per mission / call of our prime minister to introduce paperless working we are also adopting the same and digitizing our working to follow paperless working. General Secretary invited comments of members and sought their confirmation. Members confirmed the minutes of last AGM held on 24.4.2016, without any change. |
* | Shri B P Singh again called General Secretary to take up agenda item no. 3 “To consider and adopt General Secretary’s Report”. |
* | The General Secretary responding to the call of Shri B P Singh, informed the members that as stated above, the General Secretary report is also up loaded on the club web site and added that the printed copies of the same were kept for the ready references of members. |
* | Shri B P Singh informed the members that there are some queries received from members and he read the quarries along with official replies. |
* | Mr Sunil Mamtani Mem no.2028 and Mr Pradeep Choudhary Mem no. 13 wanted to know about the shortage of cash of Rs 517820/= which took place on 2.5.2016 in the club. Mr Mamtani wanted to know why the action was not taken against accountant Mr Satbir Verma and why his services were not terminated as the management has done against three persons who committed similar offence in September 2016 Miss appropriating Rs 1,65,000.00. |
* | Shri B P Singh informed them that in the case of embezzled amount of Rs 1,65,000.00, the entire amount was recovered from them who accepted involvement therefore their services were terminated and in the other. |
* | Incidence involving the said persons namely S/s Satbir Verma and Vishal Dhiyani who also agreed before the investigating officer of Janak Puri police station that each one of them will pay the half of stolen amount as their share ie. Rupees 2,58,910.00 each. Because the short fall was noticed and both were responsible for handling cash. Shri B P Singh added that we lodged the complaint and FIR No - JP-000205 dated 3.5.2016 was registered with Janak Puri police station . As per commitment Mr. Verma paid half of the stolen amount of Rs. 2, 58,910.00 but Mr. Vishal Dhiyani adopted dilly dally tactics for many days and Managing Committee took it seriously, as he was deliberately doing it to avoid payment action, and other legal action. Therefore, some members of Managing Committee contacted senior police officers at Rajouri Garden, police station who immediately took action and Mr Vishal Dhiyani was arrested and was jailed. His bail applications was rejected by lower court and session court and now as we understand he has been bailed out but case is going on in the Dwarka Court. |
* | Mr Sunil Mamtani repeated his question many a times and insisted knowing the reason why action was not taken against other delinquent person. |
* | General Secretary also tried to convince Mr Sunil Mamtani telling him that the members of Managing Committee investigated the matter and they were satisfied that Mr Satibir Verma was not directly involved in the theft. General Secretary further informed Mr Sunil Mamtani that our member Mr K S Bhatnagar a retired ACP also investigated the case who was also of the opinion that Mr Satbir Verma was not involved, therefore action was not taken against him. Mr Sunil Mamtani wanted to know that if Mr Satibir Verma was not involved then why he paid Rs 2,58,910.00. Mr Mamtani was replied that Managing Committee felt that it was due to the negligence of Mr Satibir Verma the incidence happened and therefore he was punished to pay half of amount. In another query of Mr Sunil Mamtani, he was informed that both Mr Satibir Verma and Mr Vishal Dhiyani were employees of the club and Mr Satibir Verma is still in service. |
* | Mr Pradeep Choudhary M.no 13 suggested that circular of AGM should have been delivered individually to each member which is not done and wanted to know the reason. |
* | Shri B P Singh replied to Mr Pradeep Choudhary that you are right and also as per rules and regulations of our club all communications should be sent to members on their last address available in the record. Mr B P Singh further added that this step was taken in the light of earlier decision of AGM to go paper less to save cost of printing and postages which was very high. |
* | Gen secretary informed Mr P. Choudhary that we have digitalized some of our system and up loaded agenda and other documents on club web site. Following the call of our Prime Minister, we have also sent messages through SMS and mail on the number's / addresses available in our record. We got it published also in National Newspapers "Times of India" and “Nav Bharat Times” twice. Same appeared on 27.7.2017 and 18.8.2017. Our members were informed about holding of AGM on 20.8.2017 (Sunday) and also that all documents pertaining to AGM along with agenda of the meeting had been uploaded on Janak Puri club web site. |
* | An other question received from Mr Suman Kumar M. No. 2195 suggested that club should not give impression of banquet hall adding catering requires improvement saying professional should be involved avoiding feeling of monarchy or that of dynasty. |
* | Shri B P Singh replied to him that we have noted his suggestions and we will be guided to the extent possible. Clarifying further, it was informed that club was managed by an Elected Body and there was no question calling it monarchy or dynastic set up. |
* | General Secretary informed that Dr A L Khanna , M.No. 1114 mailed us to provide him some information pertaining to AGM, which we mailed him to his satisfaction. |
* | Mr Suresh Kumar M.no .1582 congratulated members of Managing Committee for successfully managing the affairs of club. Mr Suresh Kumar our previous chief Patron, while referring the incidence of theft in the Club as discussed in the AGM, he pointed out that since the matter was in the court, nothing more may be said. He stated that we should think what more facilities can be provided to our members at reasonable rates. He endorsed the views of Sh B P Singh that we should not call it Banquet Hall, rather call it a party Hall, adding that we should provide services at party hall at reasonable rates and also we should keep the feelings of our members in mind. He appreciated the contributions of late Shri S K Choudhary, Shri Om Prakash and also of Shri B P Singh. |
* | Shri B P Singh thanked Mr Suresh Kumar and invited comment from members on General Secretary’s report. As there was no comment, Sh B P Singh requested the members that we should adopt and approve General Secretary’s report, which members responded and approved with loud voice of yes approved. |
* | Sh B P Singh invited treasurer Sh Amit Gulati to take up agenda item no. 4. ”To consider and adopt statement of account for the period of 1.4.2015 to 31.3.2016 and 1.4.2016 to 31.3.2017” |
* | Mr Amit Gulati Treasurer thanked the members for giving him opportunity to maintain the accounts which he is doing in the best possible way in transparent way and invited comments from the members. Mr Amit Gulati while thanking m c members for their co- operation and guidance, he specially referred the name of his senior S/sh B P Singh and Om Prakash who helped him in discharging his duties. He also thanked the Accounts Manager and other staff. |
* | Mr B P Singh informed the members that another query received from Mr Pradeep Choudhary M.no. 13. He wanted to know why interest earned on fixed deposits has gone down when the amount of FDR has increased from Rs 1,15,94,605.00 to as on 31/3/16 Rs 1,75,94,195. |
* | Shri B P Singh replied him that as we all know the interest rates scenario is heading down for the last many years and rate of interest has come down from the last year and which may go down further therefore interest income is less as compared to previous years. |
* | Mr Pradeep Choudhary suggested that as we claim that we are working on the basis of no profit no loss and having FDR, benefit should be passed on to members. |
* | Mr Rajesh Gupta M. No 1321 pointed out there was a short fall in income from party hall from the year 2015-165 of Rs 1,39 ,00300.00 to Rs 60 lakhs in the years 2016-17. |
* | Shri B P Singh explained them the reason and requested them to sit with us and analyze the reasons so that we can improve it. To another question Shri B P Singh explained that the banks charge us for transacting through credit / debit card as their charges. Shri B P Singh again stated that the interest being paid by banker on fixed deposit has gone down which resulted in less interest income. Shri B P Singh informed the members that we have changed the accounting policy from accrual bases to receipt bases which is another reason for the short fall of interest income. |
* | General Secretary informed the members that last year we had to pay aprox Rs.One Crore plus as property tax and about six lakh to DDA on account of Ground Rent. He reminded the members that apart from other regular expenditures such as electricity, ESI, PF and wages, the said fixed amount of payment to mcd and DDA, which on an average comes to Rs two lakh per month has also affected the profit of club. |
* | Mr Amit Gulati sought the approval of members for approving the statement of accounts for both years i.e. 2015-16-17. The members approved the statement of account for the period of 2015-16 and 2016-2017. |
* | While replying to the query of Mrs. Veena Gakhar popularly known Mrs. Kumar M.No 1851 Sh B P Singh stated that we get scheme from liquor companies which we pass on to our members and have to write off the cost of purchase. He further stated that we maintain our accounts as guided by our chartered accountant and at present we are offering club facilities through smart card and accepting payment through credit card also. On repeated argument of Mr Arora, Shri B P Singh requested him to visit the club and guide us for maintaining the account. Sh Ram Prakash Vij, M. No. 450 stated that there was a variation pointed out by Mr Rajesh Gupta which must be verified. |
* | Sh B P Singh agreed and invited Mr Gupta and Mr. Ram Prakash Vij. M. No. 450 to meet the MC Member, sometime in the club and guide us |
* | Mr S P S Oberoi M. No 576 congratulated the Members of Managing Committee for managing the club affairs and desired that there should be difference while treating members and nonmembers. He quoted Panjabi Bagh club who are charging members concessionary quoting their lawn charges for members at Rs 35000.00 while for the nonmembers it is approx. Rs. 2.5 lakhs. He appreciated the working of Shri. Om Prakash and other M C Members. |
* | Sh B P Singh informed him that we are also giving 11% discount to our members for availing catering services at party hall and we are pursuing our policy of no profit no loss. He further added that our club cannot be compared with Panjabi Bagh club, as they have huge assets and income. |
* | While taking up the agenda item no. 5. “To consider and appoint statutory auditor and fix their remuneration for the period for 2016 - 2017 & 2017 – 2018” |
* | Shri B P Singh proposed before the members to appoint Statutory Auditor and recommended the name of our present auditor M/s Bhupinder Shah & co, at the existing remuneration of Rs 31,500.00 per years, the house approved the name of present auditor M/s Bhupinder Shah & co and fixed the present remuneration of Rs 31,500.00 per years. |
* | Mr B P Singh announced that on popular demand we are proposing agenda item no. 6. “To consider amendment of clause 9 (a) of Janak Puri club memorandum for increasing the tenure of Managing Committee from two years to three years, from next term of elected Managing Committee.” |
* | Many members deliberated on the issue. Some Members wanted to know the reason for increasing the tenure. Sh B P Singh explained that it is due to popular suggestion of our members and also to decrease the financial burdens apart from time and energy and also it will give time to elected members to settle down and to work on the basis of experiences they gain from working. All Members approved the proposal. Shri P S Oberai stated that the amendment for increasing the tenure of Managing Committee should not be on the basis of majority but with the approval of members and should not be forced. |
* | Sh Ranbir Singh and some more members pointed out that for amending constitution special AGM is to be called. Shri B P Singh replied him quoting clause 22 of the Memorandum of our club clarifying for any amendment in Memorandum, the same can be done under clause 22 and reminded him in the last AGM this matter was also discussed and some members were in its favor but as this item was not in the agenda we did not implement it. He added this time proper notice has been given to members therefore the amendment can be considered by this body. |
* | Capt M M Bawa M. No 185 voiced against it and desired to take vote for its approval. Sh B P Singh requested the members to raise hands who are against it and then to those members who are in its favor. There were few members who raised hands against this motion but a large majority raised hands in its favor and therefore the amendment for increasing the tenure of next elected managing committee was approved and increased the tenure of Managing Committee from two years to three years, which was two years earlier as per clause 9 (a) A large numbers of members applauded loudly congratulating each other’s for the approval of above amendment. |
* | After completing agenda items, Mr Kuldeep Sachdeva pointed out that membership of member Mr Kawal Preet Singh M.No 2101, who was staying out of India had been cancelled due to nonpayment of annual subscription, Mr Sachdeva requested to consider his case. Mr Sachdeva who himself is regular visitor of club congratulated the managing committee for efficiently running the club affairs and appreciated General Secretary, Sr Vice President and other senior members for their dedication toward club. Mr Sachdeva stated that membership of Mr. Kawal Preet Singh M.No 2101 has been cancelled without any notice. He stated that he never visited the club and no notice was issued to him informing him about any arrears. Adding that Mr Kawal Preet Singh was out of India and therefore he never visited the club since he got club membership which can be verified from record and his documents and requested to Managing Committee to reconsider his case. Sh B P Singh asked him to send us the documents in his support and fix a meeting for taking any decision. |
* | Mr Anil Srivastava M.No. 2535 pointed out that condition of swimming pool is in bad shape adding floor tiles are coming out which is causing injury to swimmers. He quoted his own experience also. Mr Srivastava further added that locks of changing rooms were broken and showers were not working properly which were rusty also and there is lack of cleanliness. Sh B P Singh assured him that all possible maintenance will be done before the coming season. |
* | Mr Ashok Sachdeva M.No. 741, Suggested that we should watch the interest of club staff who have been serving the club for the last many years. |
* | General Secretary replied to him that we are taking care and all are covered under ESI and PF, apart giving them uniform and Earned Leave etc. as applicable. |
* | As there was no other business therefore meeting ended after passing vote of thanks moved by Mr Brijesh Mahtani (Bunti) who thanked the members for sparing their time and peacefully participating in the AGM. He also thanked Managing Committee for their hard work in managing the affairs of club. |
* | Sh B P Singh requested the members to enjoy lunch and beer specially arranged for them. |
Om Prakash
General Secretary
Janak Puri Club